Pagrindinis > Mūsų asortimentas > Atrask > Populiariausios klaidingos sampratos

Received ideas concerning AM-license vehicles

«Only retired people drive AM-license cars»

FALSE - The AM-license vehicle is no longer just for retired people. 64.9% of drivers are in employment or students, compared to 35.1% of retired people.

«AM-license cars are not safe, they are dangerous»

FALSE - In 2009, there were 82,208 road accident victims (killed + injured, excluding pedestrians) in mainland France. Only 311 were AM-license vehicle users, which is 0.38%. The breakdown of the 3777 fatal accidents is: 2160 due to cars (57%), 888 to motorbikes (23%) and 299 (8%) to mopeds. There were 21 deaths in AM-license vehicle cars, i.e. 0.56%. AIXAM is at the cutting-edge of technology in order to guarantee and preserve drivers' and passengers' safety, implementing strict requirement, even when these are not enforced by government.

«AM-license cars are extremely polluting»

FALSE - The association with KUBOTA for diesel engines and LOMBARDINI for petrol engines allows AIXAM to propose vehicles with a very low rate of consumption and the most controlled CO2 emissions in its category. By way of proof, only 77.9g/km are emitted, which represent 37% less than the target of 125g/km set by the European Parliament.

In January 2013, AIXAM launched the 100% electric range under the brand eAIXAM, which does not give off any pollution at all.

«The AM-license car is a solution for road delinquents»

FALSE - The percentage of people driving AM-license vehicles after losing their license is only 3.4%, while the percentage of drivers who have never had their license withdrawn is  93.4%.

«The electric car has a low rate of autonomy for daily journeys»

FALSE - On average, a French person travels 25.2 km per day and the average speed is 30km/h. The eAIXAM range proposes cars that guarantee autonomy of 75km at least, and a recharging time of no more than 3 and a half hours. It is therefore designed to meet the requirements of daily trips, in the city and the countryside. It's a future-looking range.

«AM-license cars are noisy»

FALSE - AIXAM has now developed a high-performing acoustic solution to reduce the engine volume by 7 decibels.

The benefits are a muted atmosphere, reduced vibrations and acoustic comfort in urban and rural environments.